Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Welcome to Candy Confectionery

Hi and welcome.
Having spent many years now working in the confectionery industry and having seen it go through many transitions. Many fine companies who are now sadly no longer with us either due to being swallowed by a larger organisation or through economic down turns. The majority of companies are now dancing to the tune of the mults and cutting each others throats at every given turn. The pound or Euro per bag mentality which should surely have been many years ago, when you could have actually made a few pence, seems all rather a pointless exercise? Yes survival I here you say and lets just get over this recession. Well good luck with that as how can you absorb the increases we have seen over the last 12 to 18 months. Sugar, Glucose, colours,flavours, packaging it goes on and on. Yes there will be exceptions to this and "good for them" if they are unaffected.
And lets all be honest here the industry is not exactly blessed with an abundance of investment even in the good times. So those same old tired machines who i have no doubt are cared for and maintained to highest standards, are churning out sweets today and selling them for less margin than you where 10 years ago.

I am not trying to be downbeat on the confectionery industry far from it, I love this industry and the people in it. Its just sad to see an inevitable outcome for many of those old brands we once all enjoyed as kids.

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